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evanonym0us evanonym0usover 3 years ago
2884 1

In the Creative server (/server creative) you must claim chunks before you can build. Sorry, a few bad apples ruined it for everyone.

evanonym0us evanonym0usover 3 years ago
2881 1

Anarchy Server Information

So many of you know about the new Anarchy server. There aren't really any rules (because anarchy) but there is still something that you cannot do.


Cheating, for the most part, is allowed on the anarchy server only. not the whole network. Some cheats are not allowed. These include any types of exploit hacking, server crashing hacks, or fly hacks.

evanonym0us evanonym0usover 3 years ago
3871 1

What is happening?

As you may know, we just started a new network called CrazyCraft. While this server was originally going to be dedicated to games, we decided to add something else to it.

What are you doing?

Slowly we will begin to migrate the ETech Network into CrazyCraft. All the servers on ETech will be part of CrazyCraft eventually.

When is this happening?

As of now (1/31/2021) we do not have a date of the migration. No changes will be made for a while.

What will happen to my data?

Your data will also be migrated. No data will be lost across any of the ETec...