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Anarchy Server
Started by evanonym0us

Anarchy Server Information

So many of you know about the new Anarchy server. There aren't really any rules (because anarchy) but there is still something that you cannot do.


Cheating, for the most part, is allowed on the anarchy server only. not the whole network. Some cheats are not allowed. These include any types of exploit hacking, server crashing hacks, or fly hacks.

Other hacks are ok and fair game in anarchy.

So how do I join?

You start by joining our network. The IP is:

After that, you will need to join the anarchy server. You can do so by using the command:

/server anarchy

Once you do those things you will be in the anarchy server! Have fun playing on Minecraft 1.8.0-latest. The server is native to 1.16.5 so always play on the latest version for the best experience. The latest version of bedrock will also work.


Thank you for reading. Questions? Reply to this post.


Over 3 years agoLast edited: over 2 years ago